Recently, one of our clients asked to outline the processes involved in a video production with Echo Video. They were specifically referring to a set of talking-heads videos we had coming up so I put together a short step by step guide to filming interviews for them. I thought this might be of interest to anyone else who was considering having videos produced for their company so here it is.
For a more in depth guide to video production click here.
We discuss and agree on the list of questions to ask the client’s customer. Client provides us with all the branding and graphics required for the final video.
Booking a date and location
Book a filming date with the client at their office or alternative location.
We send the list of approved questions to the client’s customer. The senior professionals, who will be interviewed, are advised not to over rehearse the answers as this can lead to a stilted performance.
If possible, arrange a quick recce of customerÛªs office location, to find out the best interview spots and other favourable cutaway filming areas within the office. If a recce cannot be arranged prior to the filming date then we try and get some photos of the office to give us some idea of the filming location. Ideally, a large space is required with minimal background noise and ideally air conditioning that can be turned off.
Filming interviews
- Film crew will arrive sharp at the agreed time and will generally be filming for 4 to 9 hours, depending on number of interviews to film, size of the location and the number of cutaways that need to be taken.
- The crew will generally consist of a director and 1 or 2 camera operators depending on the size of the production.
- Extra care is taken whilst filming to keep any disruption to the CustomerÛªs business to a bare minimum. All health and safety procedures are followed, which will include looking after hot lights, keeping the cables tidy to avoid any falls and trips and to keep all heavy equipment away from the general walkthrough or communal areas.
- The filming is done is a professional and relaxed manner. It is a fun activity for people to be involved in, hence we will keep it as comfortable and stress-free as possible.
- All interviewees and main participants in the video will sign the Release Forms and a Location Release form will also be signed.
- The interviewees are advised to avoid wearing any striped or checked clothes and also to avoid grey or black coloured shirts or any outfits with tight patterns.
- All interviewees will be given several chances to repeat their answers to questions until the time they are completely happy and satisfied with what they have said. The interviewees will be given all the support from the filming crew and hence, shouldn’t be scared or worried to face the camera.
All the interviews filmed will be manually transcribed and sent to the client for highlighting the important bits of information.
1st cut
Based on the transcribed text, a rough edit is created with background music, simple titles and company branding incorporated. The edit is uploaded to our client login area for the client to view and provide feedback.
2nd cut/Final cut
After a maximum of two re-edits, the video will be completed and sent to the client’s customer for final approval.
Once all approvals are obtained, we deliver the final case study in the required format (mp4, wmv, flv etc)
If you want to find out more about talking head videos then check out our blog on the 3 things to think about for an on camera interviewåÊandåÊfor anything else contact Echo Video on 01273 911345.